Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jersey Shore, Shmersy Shore

First of all ENOUGH with Jersey Shore! I'm seriously going to shoot myself in the face if I hear another "Fist pump", "GTL" or "Did you see Jersey Shore last night?" If all you have to live for is the gym, tanning, and doing laundry then you're an idiot to begin with. What makes me the most upset is that our society buys into their stupid drama and permiscuity. For this story to make the Chicago Tribune makes me worried for our journalist. Apparently i'm not the only one who thinks a girl from jersey shore who has gotten kicked out of the newest club is not news worthy. I read comment after comment about people furious that the tribune would run a story like this. On the other hand they put up a poll and more than 3,000 people voted. Are you serious America? What is this world coming to? I get made fun of for not watching Jersey Shore and I feel it's completely backwards. So fellas think twice before you throw on your affliction t-shirt and girls, the rats nest was so seventh grade. I hope your life goal isn't to kick it with these meatheads.

1 comment:

  1. Jersey Shore really is absolutely terrible. Somehow it's gotten a bit further than other equally trashy reality shows despite the fact that it's equally trashy. It defies science.

    Meanwhile, I like how your own blog is on your blog list. That's very informative.
